Friday, September 01, 2006

Consult the locals ...

By Chiinga Siavwapa
Post Newspaper, Tuesday August 29, 2006

Authorities, your role it to implement. To this judgement there should be no partiality. And that’s how things should be!

Graced by the vice president, it has been over a month now since Legacy foundation stone was laid. A symbol that central government, without consulting the local people can sanction anything they deem as "development" to take place anywhere. And just what is the role of democracy? What is the role of local authorities? And most importantly, why does the voice of the people the government claims to serve not count?

I wish to add to the list of those sentiments which have been misconstrued and given a deaf ear. Legacy is welcome in Livingstone, as long as it is located at a site that will not upset the environment.

I am surprised to hear some excited about the many (over 1000) rooms Legacy will have. A golf course that might mean cutting down many trees.

The forest is depleting already in the fenced-off area, thus forcing elephants to seek food in the nearby riverside forests. One of their favourite spots is the site earmarked for Legacy hotel. I thought the role of ZAWA is to protect the interests of wildlife and the environment which supports it.

To the contrary, we see double standards here.
Correct me if I am wrong but a few years ago ZAWA was talking about minimizing the number of lodges in the park area. Zambia is, in my experience as a tour guide, still viewed as the real Africa by tourists who have visited the likes of Kenya and South Africa.
We still have a relatively good balance between ecology and commercial activities.

In my opinion, central government (much as this may be an election year in which they need something to show for) should have left the decision to the local authorities.
The local authorities should have consulted the people what they think about it.

After all government’s claim is that this development is for us.
The big question is, how many locals in fact will benefit from this investment ? We know from experience that very few of our locals working in the tourist industry are given a living wage (something the labour office should look into by revising the minimum wage policy).

The central office of ZAWA, as custodians of our wildlife should learn to consult local offices on the status of any proposed site. The local office well know that the proposed site is an elephant corridor and I doubt if they would have seconded this notion.

Economic development should go side by side with environmental care.

I would be shocked if E.C.Z. considers this a good place for this kind of development.

In inference, Legacy you are welcome.
We need such an investment but consider the planet above profits.
Borrow a leaf from lodges like Stanley, Lost Horizon, Natural Mystic and those that adapt to their environment unlike the environment adapting to them.

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